CEFET Sharks

Segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2022

Portuguese version | Versão em Português

Over the past few years, entrepreneurship has become a hot topic, especially with the rise in popularity of shows like Shark Tank, and the increasing of entrepreneurship competitions. Entrepreneurship is a valuable skill for students to develop, and competitions provide a great learning experience for them to do so. Entrepreneurship competitions require competitors to demonstrate independence, creativity, determination, business savvy, and communication skills to take their idea from inception to complete the pitch deck and present it for the competition judges.

The CEFET Shark Competition Team was created in 2022 by Professor Eduardo Gomes Carvalho, Professor Juliano Coelho Miranda and Professor Lázaro Eduardo da Silva. The team is composed of college and technical course students: Ana Carolina Cantarino Vicentini (Mechatronics Technical Course), Christian Sales de Oliveira Assis (Mechatronics Technical Course), Jean Paulo Gomes de Oliveira (Civil Engineering), Jean Silva Roque (Mechatronics Technical Course), Lucas Viana Castro (Civil Enginnering), Maria Eduarda Sabino (Information Technology Technical Course), Robson Rosa Cardoso (Civil Enginnering) and Wellington Costa Grilo Pereira (Mechatronics Technical Course).

In the traditional sense, entrepreneurship is starting a new business. However, in the modern sense, entrepreneurship can be a mindset: the love for problem-solving, interest in business, and the inspiration for novel ideas. Thus, the members of CEFET Sharks are dedicated to study of innovation, business models and communication skills.

CEFET Sharks are participating of following competitions: Inspira Tech, Desafio Jovem Empreendedor and VC Challenge. Recently, some members of the CEFET Sharks have been classified to second phase of Inspira Tech Competition and Desafio Jovem Empreendedor.

The competition team is supported by Extension and Community Development Authority of CEFET-MG (Call for proposals DEDC 103/2021)
